Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood
Image: Regular Gridlock on Highgate West Hill. Photo at 10.30am on 17 November 2023.

The Fair in the Square 2024
Madeleine Cosgrave of the organising committee writes:We were delighted that Highgate hosted an amazing Fair In the Square 2024. As ever there was a mix of the old favourites (stalls, local volunteers, Pond Square stage, dog show, Mini Mozart kids tent) and fresh ideas (second stage at St Michael’s church, St Aloysius basketball, try out […]

Speeding on Highgate Hill
On the morning of 23 May members of the Society met some Community Support Officers and Cllr. Scott Emery, Highgate (Haringey). We stood on The Bank and for half an hour used a portable radar speed camera. Many of the cars coming down the Hill were going faster than the 20 mile an hour speed […]

59th AGM of the Highgate Society
Alice Roberts gave a fascinating talk at the Society’s AGM. She covered how the CPRE aims to pre-empt threats to green space, and fight those threats.
William Britain gave the annual chairs report.
For more details click More

Highgate School – progress with workshops
Building on the outcome from the Public Meeting in June 2023, we have continued to push forward the programme of workshops, and the Kings Foundation have been appointed as facilitators. Resident views continue to be relevant. You can contact the Secretary of the Highgate Society secretary@highgatesociety.com to be put in touch with the individual representing your street.Other material […]

Stakeholder Meeting to Discuss Archway Road Regeneration
The Highgate Society recently convened a meeting with local Archway businesses, officers from Haringey Council, Haringey councillors and community groups, including the Highgate Neighbourhood Forum and the Highgate CAAC. The aim of the meeting was to encourage key stakeholders to work collaboratively to agree initiatives to improve and revitalise Archway Road. While noting that there […]

The continued fight to protect Shepherd’s Cottage
The Highgate Society has strongly objected to a Fire Strategy report submitted by the developer for a planning amendment to the permission granted to develop seven mews houses in Townsend Yard in 2020. The Fire Safety report put forward three options for fire access to Shepherds Cottage – all of them in our opinion are […]

Volunteering in Highgate
Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, visited Highgate Society’s Volunteer Fair where local organisations encourage visitors to get involved. The idea behind this was to create an event where people considering the idea of volunteering could meet and chat to local organisations about how they could get involved – on an ad hoc or a regular basis. For the full story click More.
Guerrilla gardening update
Our Guerrilla Gardening group has been busy with planning for 2024 since our evening workshop in November. Work has included a walk-about through the N6 area to survey 16 potential sites for our activities and developing a map with notes, so that we can assign actions (even if just monitoring) to each site. We are […]
Dangerous junction on Highgate Hill
This accident in 2022 at the junction of Cholmeley Park and Highgate Hill demonstrated the need for action to improve safety. Over 6 years ago Channing School, which adjoins the junction, commissioned proposals to improve visibility and pedestrian movement but Haringey Council continues to ignore the problem.
Latest Environment Committee report published
The Highgate Society’s Environment Committee’s Spring 2024 report has been published. As well as reporting on the many planning applications and proposals that the committee has considered and commented on, the report also covers meetings with Camden and Haringey planners and provides an update on national planning policies.
To read the report click More.
A better Highgate High Street?
A Highgate Society member has put forward an intriguing proposal for making the centre of the village a more welcoming, pedestrian-oriented place. To find out more, click More
Fundraising for third defibrillator in Highgate
In 2019 the Highgate Society worked with pH.7 Life in Balance on the installation of two devices in Highgate and has since arranged London Ambulance Service defibrillator and resuscitation training for local residents. It is now fundraising for a third device and additional training. For more information and to learn how to donate click More.
Dangerous driving
We desperately need measures to slow down the traffic on Highgate Hill between Bisham Gardens and Hornsey Lane. A member who lives in Highgate Hill reports:“Yesterday [on 14th December] at 12.15 I was dropping our son home from nursery at 12.15 – a car overtook all the others (maybe 5 or 6) driving at normal […]
Christmas Market in the Old Bus Stand
It was lovely to see the centre of the village so buzzy on a cold day at the beginning of December. In spite of the bitterly cold weather, we demonstrated that a small market in the Old Bus Stand would add to the commercial life of the village.
Tidy-up programme for 2024 published
The Highgate Society Community Projects Group has published its programme of Tidy-up events for 2024. These monthly litter-picking events take place on Saturday mornings and last an hour. Volunteers welcome. For details click More.
Carols in Pond Square a great success
Carols in Pond Square this year was a great success , thanks to the hard work of over 25 Highgate Society volunteers. The rain cleared up just in time and our two chosen charities, North London Hospice and Jacksons Lane for their Christmas Day Lunch, raised over £2,200.15 December 2023
Calling all guerrillas
The Community Projects group has been taking on “guerrilla gardening” challenges in public spaces around Highgate for several years. The photo shows the newly planted cattle trough in Church Road which is a great example of what they can do. For more information click More.