Bridge Club
The Highgate Society’s Bridge Club meets at 10a on Monday afternoons, currently between 14.00 and 16.30. Many of us know each other from being members of other local Bridge groups such as U3A.
Unlike some other Bridge Clubs in North London we give no tuition. We accommodate players who subscribe to different biddings systems and have members with a range of levels of expertise and experience . Post mortems are permitted only until the next hand has been dealt. We use the Chicago system but don’t play for money.
On a typical afternoon we have three tables of four players. Tables are formed on a first come first serve basis so you don’t necessarily always play with the same partner. We find this contributes to a more social and convivial atmosphere. A few members play every week but many turn up two or three times a month and some even less frequently depending on holidays and other commitments.
Would you like to join or just try us out? If so just come along one Monday at 14.00. No need to tell us in advance.
Coffee or tea and biscuits are served around 15.30 at which time we collect a small fee to cover the cost of room hire and refreshments.