Townsend Yard Development impacts historic cottage

The approval for construction of seven mews houses in Townsend Yard in late 2020 is one of the worst decisions by Haringey. The developer’s refusal to hold any discussions with us has had damaging consequences for both the developer himself and the community. We objected to the grant of permission and have been fighting to limit the damage ever since.
Townsend Yard is a short narrow road that connects only with Highgate High Street. Permitting five or six houses would have been reasonable, but allowing seven removed the turning area and blocked emergency access and exit from 36A Highgate High Street (Shepherd’s Cottage). Shepherd’s Cottage is listed grade II and the development will remove all public view of the Cottage and destroy its setting.
Our campaign has involved literally thousands of emails. This page contains the story as it has developed over time.

The continued fight to protect Shepherd’s Cottage
The Highgate Society has strongly objected to a Fire Strategy report submitted by the developer for a planning amendment to the permission granted to develop seven mews houses in Townsend Yard in 2020. The Fire Safety report put forward three options for fire access to Shepherds Cottage – all of them in our opinion are […]

Townsend Yard emergency access update
Our campaign on Townsend Yard has made some progress. Last month we reported that we saw a passageway beginning to take shape to provide emergency fire access to 36A Highgate High Street. It was a small win, but a win nevertheless.
The developer has belatedly submitted a planning application for the changes involved in constructing this passageway. We are now campaigning to make sure that as a minimum there is access to that passageway for emergency use by the resident of 36A as well as by the fire brigade. For details click More

Townsend Yard success
It looks like emergency access is being provided to the rear of 36A Highgate High Street, which has been part of our long running campaign. If so, it will be thanks to your donations, the petition and the massive amounts of time and effort put in by the Society planning team and others. Thank you. (For full details click More)

Townsend YardApril 2023 update
Despite continuing breaches of site regulations and the failure to overcome the fire access issue, Haringey allowed the developers of Townsend Yard to begin pile-driving work adjacent to Shepherd’s Cottage .

Townsend Yard Campaign
January 2023 update
Our petition is gaining traction – Please sign now if you have not already – and if you have, please share it again with your local contacts – we have seen no signs of any activity by Haringey on this issue and so must keep the pressure up.

Townsend Yard petition highlights fire safety risk
The Highgate Society has started a Petition relating to the development at Townsend Yard.

Townsend Yard formal complaint.
The lengthy saga of the various applications relating to the construction of 7 houses continues and the Society is now of the view that this has been mishandled by Haringey. This has led to a formal complain being submitted to David Joyce,Director of Housing, Regeneration and Planning for Haringey. For full details click More.
Highgate Society launches Townsend Yard petition
The Highgate Society has launched a petition on change.org against Haringey’s approval of the Townsend Yard development notwithstanding London Fire brigade concerns.

Townsend Yard Update
The Highgate Society has submitted a detailed objection to the application for Listed Building Consent for the proposed Townsend Yard development. For full details of the Society’s reasons for opposing the scheme and a link to the full objection as submitted click More

Townsend Yard development threatens historic cottage
Shepherd’s Cottage is a hidden treasure in Highgate located in the village backlands. The cottage and its historic setting are threatened by a proposed development which will block heritage views and emergency access. The local community have come together to challenge these plans and to preserve the cottage in its setting for future generations
Update: Consultation on the Listed Building application closes on Friday 17th December. Click More for further details.