Highgate Hill Traffic We’re campaigning for changes to Highgate Hill between Bisham Gardens and Hornsey Lane to slow the traffic. This is a school street.

- enforcement of the 20mph speed restriction
- build out of the pelican crossing as outside St Joseph’s Primary School
- visibility improvements at the junction with Cholmeley Park
- widening of the pavement outside Channing Senior School
- a bus build out to make boarding buses outside Channing Senior School safe and convenient

Speeding on Highgate Hill
On the morning of 23 May members of the Society met some Community Support Officers and Cllr. Scott Emery, Highgate (Haringey). We stood on The Bank and for half an hour used a portable radar speed camera. Many of the cars coming down the Hill were going faster than the 20 mile an hour speed […]

Dangerous junction on Highgate Hill
This accident in 2022 at the junction of Cholmeley Park and Highgate Hill demonstrated the need for action to improve safety. Over 6 years ago Channing School, which adjoins the junction, commissioned proposals to improve visibility and pedestrian movement but Haringey Council continues to ignore the problem.

Highgate Hill crossing
Our campaign to improve safety on Highgate Hill has generated many responses from members and residents.

Dangerous driving
We desperately need measures to slow down the traffic on Highgate Hill between Bisham Gardens and Hornsey Lane. A member who lives in Highgate Hill reports:“Yesterday [on 14th December] at 12.15 I was dropping our son home from nursery at 12.15 – a car overtook all the others (maybe 5 or 6) driving at normal […]