Highgate Festival
Events organised by the Highgate Society during the Festival include:
Summer social at 10A
Friday 21st June 6.30 to 8.00 pm
Enjoy a glass of fizz and strawberries while meeting old friends or making new ones. Learn about the Society and its activities.
Entry £5 on the door.
Poetry reading at 10A
Saturday 22nd June 2.00 to 3.00 pm
That motley old crew of raggedy Poets from the Highgate Society\’s Poetry Group are proud and honoured to reveal their true character for their first public performance as part of the Highgate Festival 2019. 8 months on from conception and here we are and there we\’ll be. Shambling, regaling you with epic wind swept tales of piracy and drunken abandon. If that fails we\’ll fall upon our radicalism, pagan roots, studious endeavours and other life stories. From those who never poeticised before to the seasoned troubadour, the tableau has been set. Can you afford to miss it? You must judge that for yourselves. Listen in at the Highgate Society, 10a South Grove, N6 6BS, to stuff you\’ve never heard before.
Photography exhibition at 10A
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June
1.00 to 5.00 pm
\’One Year on\’
Village Raw is now one-year old, and in that time the magazine has featured a range of talented local writers, photographers and illustrators. In this exhibition we celebrate some of the images and stories from those first issues.
Mini Open House Tours
Sunday 23rd June
1.00, 1.30, 2.00, 2.30, 3.00 and 3.30 pm
As part of the Highgate Festival, the Highgate Society is organising visits to the interiors of Highgate’s iconic modern homes. The tours have been split into two areas each of 3 homes and each tour will take about 2 hours.
The south-west tours will include Ken Price\’s Narrow House, a hidden gem; Camden\’s controversial Highgate New Town – also known as the Whittington Estate and RIBA Gold Medalist, Neave Brown\’s influential and ground-breaking Winscome Street. The tours will leave the Highgate Society’s Hall at 10A South Grove at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.
The north-east tours will include Harley Sherlock’s Southwood House Estate; the award-winning Kingsley Place designed by ACP and Mike Russum’s more recently award-winning house in Wood Lane. The tours will leave the Highgate Society’s Hall at 10A South Grove at 1.30pm 2.30pm and 3.30pm.
Information on the homes will be available and also in 10 A there will be exhibition panels of each of the homes and tea and cakes will be served from 3pm. Numbers are limited to 12 per tour so early booking is recommended. To book, visit Eventbrite or click here
Tea and cakes at 10A
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June
3.00 to 5.00 pm
Enjoy a refreshing cup of tea and a delicious cake from The Highgate Pantry.