Defibrillators to be installed in Highgate
Can you help save a life?
The Society is pleased to announce that funding is now secured for two defibrillators for Highgate. This is thanks to the pH.7 Life in Balance gym business on Archway Road which has raised the money through sponsorship. We worked with pH.7 to plan the project and bring Camden and Haringey Councils together to agree the plan.
Orders have now been put in for two automated defibrillators: one to be placed outside the Woodman Pub on the Archway Road and one to be erected on the wall of the Pond Square toilets in the Village.
Both devices will be accredited by the London Ambulance Service scheme and for this purpose volunteers from local businesses or residents in the immediate area are asked to take part in learning how to operate them if required. We have up to 12 places on a training session for each device. Whilst we already have some volunteers, if you would like to put forward your name or would like to discuss what is involved please email