Proposed change of use of Pain Quotidien
Pain Quotidien (formerly The Rose & Crown) 86 Highgate High Street
The Highgate Society will be submitting a full and detailed response to the application for a change of use from cafe to pub of the former Pain Quotidien at 86 Highgate High Street. There are already a large number of objections on the Haringey website and this highlights the extent of local concern. There is a clear need for this proposal to be considered by Haringey Planning Committee, and not decided through delegated powers by officers. Members are encouraged to submit their own objections and residents in Haringey should write to their local ward Councillors: Liz Morris Bob Hare and Paul Dennison
The documents submitted for the application HGY/2021/2678 can be seen at: where it is also possible to submit comments. Deadline is 15th October.
The proposed aluminum pergola with a height of 2.5 metres would cover almost the entire garden. It would be constructed with retractable roofs with integral LED lighting and heaters and glazed doors. This is a substantial construction. It is proposed to reposition the existing steel staircase and move it to the boundary fence with No 84, and provide a covered walkway connecting the main building to the new covered enclosed space in the garden. A previous application in 2003 for constructing a conservatory in the garden was refused and the reasons for refusal then, should apply also to this application.
Le Pain Quotidien closed at 7pm in the evening. However, as a pub it would be open until late in the evening. The proposed garden pergola for eating, drinking and smoking with an external retractable canopy will give rise to unacceptable noise and light pollution. This area is currently a dark space with little light or noise pollution and the impact of this proposal will be huge, not only on the neighbours but also wildlife. It will impact on the neighbouring rear gardens and the whole the Highgate Bowl area including back gardens in Southwood Lane and Highgate High Street.
The proposal does not comply with the requirement that alterations or extensions to existing buildings, should preserve or enhance the character or appearance of Highgate’s conservation areas, and respect the setting of its listed buildings and other heritage assets.