Not the Tidy-up Event
Not the Tidy Up Event: We have launched Not the Tidy up Event instead of our monthly group tidy up sessions.
Why? Volunteering is permitted by Government Covid restrictions provided certain requirements are met. Until December we held our monthly tidy up events, but given the current levels of infection we have decided not to hold these group events until infection levels show a sustained fall.
How will Not the Tidy Up Event work? All of our regular supporters (and anybody who wishes to join us) individually or in their social bubble do litter tidy ups.
How will we support this? We will make available litter pickers and rubbish bags and compile a monthly list of those areas that group members have tided. If you would like to borrow a litter picker for the duration of the current lockdown and obtain rubbish bags please email our Infrastructure and Projects team at and we will arrange to get these to you. As an alternative these are available in local shops or by searching for Litter Pickers on line. The model we use is from the Helping Hand Company – a “litter picker pro”. Importantly please email us to let us know each tidy up that you have carried out so we can compile a monthly list of areas we have covered.
How will I make sure the litter bags I fill are collected? Litter bags should be reported to the relevant council (depending on where you leave it). Reports to Camden can be made by downloading the following app: (or search Clean Camden in your AppStore) and reports to Haringey can be made by downloading the following app: (or search Love Clean Streets in your AppStore). If you’re not able to do this please email us with a photo and we’ll arrange for this to be reported. The council team will then collect the rubbish bag(s).
Do I really need a litter picker to take part: We strongly recommend it as it reduces the amount of bending down needed and the risk of touching sharp or contaminated rubbish.
Anything else to think about? Taking part remains at your own risk. Anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable or self-isolating should not take part. Face masks must be worn at all times and social distancing followed. You should consider carefully the information given to volunteers on the government website before taking part:–2/coronavirus-how-to-help-safely. As always we recommend wearing gloves to protect your hands from sharps and please be careful where you walk in order to avoid injury. Take particular care if bending down as it’s easy to hurt knees, hips or backs.