Highgate reimagined: an online workshop about the future
Wednesday 20th May 2020. 8.00 pm. Participation by Zoom.
What are the new opportunities that await Highgate? How do we imagine the future of the village?
Led by Kinsugi Thinking, Highgate Society is calling all Highgate business owners, residents, and interested members of the Highgate community to THINK BIG. Join fellow community members in an interactive, co-creation & problem solving workshop that facilitates new possibilities.
This free workshop is designed to boost optimism, connect like-minded people and inspire positive change in the community.
It will be held on May 20th at 8pm, will last about 1.5 hours and is open to
anyone interested in the future of the High Street, not limited to just Highgate
residents and business owners.
To register for the workshop click here.
Bring an open mind and look forward to co-creating tangible outcomes and
collective responsibility to improve the way we live, learn and thrive in our