We are a voluntary organisation with over 1200 members. There are no paid staff, and the organisation is run by an elected Council who serve for 3 years and deal with different aspects of the Society’s activities.
The Highgate Society’s reputation makes it the first port of call for anyone seeking to develop, conserve or interpret the quality and character of Highgate. It is a source of civic pride and people will know it for its independence of thought, challenging perspective and positive outlook.
We will listen, advise, support and act on behalf of all residents across Highgate.
History and Achievements
The Highgate Society was founded in 1966 by local people who had successfully fought Government plans to route heavy traffic through the heart of Highgate.
The Society has continued to work for Highgate, its residents and visitors and its businesses. It works closely with local planning authorities and other London bodies and has earned a reputation for well-founded views and a determination to succeed.
Our constitution
You can read the Society’s full constitution here.